Horticulture 221
Identification Characteristics - Shrub List #3
J. E. Klett


Forsythia x intermedia - Border Forsythia

Leaves - Opposite, simple with toothed margin; 3-5 inches long and medium-green in color.

Stems - Heavily lenticelled, yellow-green color; more squarish with chambered pith except at nodes.

Flowers - Yellow in color, late April, axillary and showy.

Growth Habit - Upright, arching and fast growth rate.

Fruit - Two-celled dehiscent brown capsule housing many winged seeds.

                          MATURE HABIT                                                                                      YOUNG HABIT                                                                                     STEM
                             BUDS                                                                                   CHAMBERED PITH                                                               FLOWER