Horticulture 221
Identification Characteristics - Shrub List #2
J. E. Klett


Caragana arborescens - Siberian Peashrub

Leaves - Alternate, pinnately compound, 8 to 12 leaflets, obovate to elliptic-oblong 2/5 to 1 inch long, rounded at apex and acuminate, pubescent, young, later glabrescent, bright green.

Buds - Weakly imbricate, light brown in color, scales, chaffy in nature.

Stem - Green in color, remaining so for several years, often ridged with pale horizontal lenticles. Usually of scurfy appearance.

Growth Habit - A shrub of decided upright habit.

Flower - Bright yellow, legume type flower with petals known as the banner, wings, and keel, borne singly or in fours.

Fruit - Legume or pod, yellowish-green changing to brown with 3-5 seeds per pod.