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Zygodon rupestris W. P. Schimper ex Lorentz [Orthotrichaceae]
map of distribution

Zygodon rupestris Schimp. ex Lor.
   Bryol. Notizb. 32. 1865 et Verz. Eur. Laubm. 12. 1865, nom. nov. inval.?; Schimp. ex Walth. & Mol., Laubm. Oberfr. 130. 1868.
   Zygodon viridissimus (Dicks.) R. Br. var. rupestris Lindb. ex C. Hartm., Handb. Scand. Fl.(ed. 8) 382. 1861.
   Zygodon viridissimus var. saxicola Mol. & Lor. in Lor., Moosstudien 95. 1864, hom. illeg.
   Zygodon viridissimus ssp. euviridissimus var. vulgaris Malta, Acta Univ. Latv. 9: 119, 124. 1924. nom. illeg. -- Zygodon vulgaris Nyh. , Moss Fl. Fennosc. 2(6): 775. 1969. nom. inval.
   Zygodon baumgartneri Malta, Acta Univ. Latv. 9: 147. 1924 -- Zygodon viridissimus fo. baumgartneri (Malta) Malta, Acta Horti Bot. Univ. Latv. 1: 41. 1926.
    Plants in loose turfs or in scattered tufts among other mosses, to 2 cm high, grass green to olive green. Leaves radially arranged on stem, not at all secund, strongly keeled along costa, erect-spreading when moist but strongly crispate when dry, narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, to 2 mm long, 5–6: 1. Median laminal cells in regular rows, isodiametric or nearly so, to 10 µm broad, or thick-walled with rounded lumens due to strong corner thickenings, with 3–5 discrete, sharply pointed papillae mostly situated over the lumens of thin-walled cells. Basal cells in a large to very small group, rectangular, to 11 µm broad, to 6: 1 near costa but much shorter nearer margin, thin to very thick walled. Costa filling less than 1/10 of the leaf base, set in a well-defined adaxial groove, ending within a few cells of the leaf apex. Leaf apex often acute but with at least a few on each plant apiculate with a single elongate and smooth cell. Abaxial cells of proximal costa linear and thick-walled, to 8 µm broad, to 10: 1, smooth, mostly with a covering of laminal cells on distal costa. Adaxial cells of costa rectangular, to 6:1, to 10 µm broad, rather thin-walled and smooth. Costa cross-section at mid-leaf nearly round, homogeneous with substereid cells or with 2–3 guide cells on its adaxial surface, sometimes with a single row of stereids on the abaxial surface. Margin entire, plane and crenulate papillose throughout. Axillary hairs variable in size and cell number, to 8 celled and 200 µm near costa insertion but much shorter laterally, with 2–3 basal brown cell. Rhizoids to 10 µm in diameter at base, inserted along the adaxial line of leaf insertion, in younger portions of plant short and producing 4–10 celled brown to red-brown uniseriate filamentous gemmae at their apices, but with these rhizoids becoming longer after gemma dispersal. Stem round in section, without central strand, with thin-walled inner cortical cells and with 1–2 rows of outer thick walled cortical cells; hyaloderm not present.
   Dioicous. Perichaetia terminal but quickly overtopped by innovations. Perichaetial bracts erect, somewhat smaller but otherwise similar to adjacent vegetative leaves. Seta yellow, to 10 mm long, straight. Capsule erect and symmetrical with the urn elliptical to pyriform, to 1.5 mm long, about 2: 1, appearing longer after loss of spores. Urn regularly sulcate, usually somewhat reddened and strangulate at mouth. Operculum inclined rostrate, to 1/4 of urn length. Annulus not differentiated. Peristome absent. Exothecial cells in regular rows, rectangular, 2–5: 1, to 15 µm wide; cells of the capsule ridges with very thick lateral walls on ridges but those in the valleys of the sulcate capsule having thin walls. Stomates phaneroporous, restricted to neck. Spores finely papillose, 14–18 µm in diameter. ALL OF THE SPOROPHYTIC DATA HERE SHOULD BE CHECKED

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LiteratureShevock and Toren 2001. As Zygodon viridissimus Crum 1957; Crundwell 1957; Harthill et al. 1979; Koch 1950b; Mishler 1978; Saito 1970; Thomson and Ketchledge 1958; Toren 1977. As Zygodon viridissimus var. rupestris Holmberg 1969; Jamieson 1969. As Zygodon vulgaris Bourell 1981; Lawton 1971.
IllustrationsMalcolm et al. 2009 p. 216; Ignatov and Lewinsky-Haapasaari 1994; Ireland 1981; Lawton 1971; Sharp et al. 1994; Smith 1978.
BioregionsCW, NW, SN, SW.
VouchersCalaveras Co.: South Fork Mokelumne River between West Point and Railroad Flat, Norris & Shevock 103382; Del Norte Co.: Stony Creek about 1 mile north of junction with Smith River, Norris 52766 and west of Hiouchi Bridge, Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, Norris 67315; Humboldt Co.: Eel River about 3 miles north of the start of the Avenue of the Giants, Norris 72146; Los Angeles Co.: USFS San Dimas Experimental Forest, Angeles National Forest, Mishler s.n. (LAM); Mendocino Co.: Ornbaun Creek near Mountain View Road, Norris 53210; San Francisco Co.: St. Francis Blvd., San Francisco, Toren 5001 (CAS); Santa Cruz Co.: San Lorenzo River near Rincon Road, Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Kellman 669 (UC); Trinity Co.: Highway 299 at Big French Creek Campground west of Big Bar, Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Norris 46134.

Elevation by latitude plot for Zygodon rupestris
   in California

Generated: Fri May 10 12:12:17 2024