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Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i
Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)-i

Dense-flower mullein

Scientific name
Verbascum densiflorum

Basic Information

Scrophulariaceae Family Verbascum Genus Dense-flower mullein Species
Scrophulariaceae > Verbascum > Verbascum densiflorum
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  • Biennial
  • Forb/herb
100cm ~ 200cm
Flower Color
Leaf Color
Sunlight Exposure
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones
Cold resistance
Heat resistance
Habitat of origin
Growth Rate

What is Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)?

What is Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)

Dense-flower mullein, scientifically known as Verbascum densiflorum, is a plant that belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae. It is native to many areas. This plant grows tall. The flowers of this plant are packed on a tall spike. The flowers are typically yellow. The flowers have male and female parts. The fruit of it contains many small seeds. The seeds spread by wind. This plant can grow in different soils. It needs full sun. This plant is used in gardens for its pretty flowers. In the past, mullein was used for health issues. However, more research is needed. Overall, this is a nice plant for gardens that was also used in traditional medicine.

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Flower meaning

The language of flowers used in North America for the plant called Dense-flower mullein is persistence, strength, protection, and healing qualities. Dense-flower mullein represents overcoming challenges. It provides encouragement during adversity. This hardy plant symbolizes withstanding difficulties and inner resilience. Believed to create protective barriers, Dense-flower mullein brings safety. Used in herbal medicine, it aids many conditions. However, Dense-flower mullein has no connection as a birth flower. An example meaning is persistence. Giving Dense-flower mullein expresses confidence in overcoming obstacles. It reminds people to persist despite challenges on long journeys.

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Calendar of Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)


Dense-flower mullein, scientifically known as Verbascum densiflorum, is a plant species found in America. The flowers bloom in the summer season from June until August. The blossoms are very colorful and bring in pollinating insects. If the finished blooms are removed, new ones will form. This makes the flowering time longer. Plenty of sun, soil that drains well, and regular water keep it blooming.

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How to grow Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)


The optimal frequency and method of watering for Dense-flower mullein depends on the season and soil humidity. Throughout the growing season, lasting from spring through early fall, require regular watering for soil moisture. Recommend deeply watering plant once weekly, giving around 1 inch of water. Allows penetrating the soil to reach plant roots. However, avoid overwatering, causing root decay. In seasons of dormancy, reduce watering to biweekly or when soil becomes parched. Vital to check soil moisture and adapt watering frequency properly.

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Soil and Fertilizer

Dense-flower mullein, scientifically known as Verbascum densiflorum, requires well-drained soil with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. It prefers loamy or sandy soil that is rich in organic matter. The plant needs full sun exposure for best growth. To ensure vigorous growth, it is advised to apply a balanced fertilizer with a ratio of 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. Fertilizer should be given in early spring, just before the growing time starts. Spread the fertilizer evenly around the base of the plant, avoiding direct contact with the leaves or stems. For established plants, a light dose of fertilizer can be provided once every 4-6 weeks during the growing period. The fertilizer amount depends on the size of the plant and the soil condition. It is best to follow the maker's instructions for the specific fertilizer being used. Regular soil testing is suggested to check the pH and nutrient levels in the soil. Adjustments to the soil pH can be done using lime or sulfur, based on the test results. Additionally, maintaining suitable soil wetness and drainage is important for the vigorous growth of Dense-flower mullein.

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Sunlight and Place

Dense-flower mullein grows in full sun. It needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. This plant can handle cold winters down to -10°C. It does not like extremely hot summers. Some shade in summer helps the plant. Temperatures between 15-25°C are best. Dense-flower mullein is hardy. It can survive winter in cold areas. Extra mulch helps protect the roots from frost. This plant prefers moderate temperatures and full sun.

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Advanced Information of Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)


Dense-flower mullein, scientifically known as Verbascum densiflorum requires regular pruning and cutting back. The best time to prune is in early spring. Use clean and sharp pruning shears to cut back the stems just above a leaf node or bud. Remove any debris from around the plant. Regular pruning and cutting back will help maintain its shape, promote healthy growth, and enhance appearance. Pruning is necessary to remove damaged stems, promote new growth, and prevent overgrowing. It also improves air circulation and reduces disease risk. After pruning, dispose of debris properly to prevent spread of diseases or pests.

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Planting and Harvest

Dense-flower mullein, scientifically known as Verbascum densiflorum, is a plant that can be potted or planted in the ground. Making sure the top of root ball is level with the soil surface. Also watering the plant thoroughly after planting. Repotting Dense-flower mullein is typically done every 2 to 3 years to prevent the plant from becoming root-bound. To repot, gently remove the plant from current container and place it in larger pot with fresh soil again. Mishowing, or wrong care, can make Dense-flower mullein become worse. It is important to give the plant enough sunlight, well-draining soil, and regular water. Avoid overwatering, because this can cause root rotting. Cutting the plant after flowering can help keep its shape and help new growth. If any problems happen, like pests or diseases, it is best ask a plant expert for right treatment.

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Dense-flower mullein has ability to spread from various methods like putting seeds in soil, breaking up clumps, using cut plant parts, and leaf cuttings. To spread from putting seeds in soil, get ripe seeds from the plant and put in soil that drains well. Keep the soil moist and put in a warm sunny spot. For breaking up clumps, carefully dig up the plant and break up the clumps into smaller sections, making sure each section has roots. Replant the sections in prepared soil. To spread from using cut plant parts, take stem cuttings from healthy plants and remove lower leaves. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone and plant in a pot with soil that drains well. Keep soil moist and give indirect light. Leaf cuttings can also spread plants. Take healthy leaves and put in a container with moist soil. Keep soil moist and give indirect light. Picking can happen when plant is mature and desired parts like leaves or flowers are ready for use.

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Pests and Diseases

Dense-flower mullein, scientifically known as Verbascum densiflorum, is susceptible to several pests and diseases. One common pest that affects this plant is the mullein moth. The larvae of this moth feed on the leaves of the plant, causing defoliation and weakening the overall health of the plant. Another pest that can affect Dense-flower mullein is the mullein bug. These bugs feed on the sap of the plant, causing yellowing and wilting of the leaves. In terms of diseases, Dense-flower mullein can be susceptible to powdery mildew. This fungal disease appears as a white powdery coating on the leaves, stems, and flowers of the plant. The cause of withering in Dense-flower mullein can be attributed to various factors, including water stress, nutrient deficiencies, or root rot caused by overwatering.

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Habitat of Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)


Toxicity of Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)

Health Benefits

No toxicity


Toxic for dogs and cats


Q&A of Dense-flower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)

  • Is there a recommended way to choose Dense-flower mullein?