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Menispermum dauricum DC.

English Name Daur Batkudze, Daur Moonseed, Asiatic Moonseed, Dahurian Moonseed
Latin name Menispermum dauricum DC.
Family & Genus Menispermaceae, Menispermum
Description Menispermum dauricum, herbaceous vines. Root and stem erect, erect stretching out from lateral bud. Annual stem slender, glabrous. Leaves heart shaped oblate, 3-12cm long and wide, 3-9 lobed or angled, sparse and nearly entire, base heart shaped or nearly flattened truncate, below whiting, palmate veins 9-12; peduncle 3-10cm long. Panicle solitary or binate, peduncle thin and long, has flowers to 20. Peduncle 0.5-1cm long, male flower calyxes 4-8, membranous, yellow, oblanceolate or obovate elliptic, 1.5-3.5mm long, gradually increasing from outer whorl to inner whorl, petals 6-8, fleshy, cucullate, short clawed, 1.5-2.5mm long, stamens always 12, 1.5-3mm long; female flower has staminodiums 6-12, ca. 1mm long, gynoecium petiolate, 0.5-1mm long, carpels 3, separate. Drupe purple red; kernel ca.1cm in diam, basal portion bought ca. 3mm deep. Flowering: June to July, fruiting: August to September.
Distribution Growing on roadsides, in thickets and thin forests. Distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan. Also distributed in Japan, North Korea and South Russian Siberia. The medicinal materials are mainly produced in Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Shandong.
Part Used Medical part: dried rhizome. Chinese name: Beidougen.
Harvest & Processing Excavated in spring and autumn, removed fibrous roots and sediment, and dried.
Chemistry Mainly contains dauricine, daurinoline and sinomenine.
Pharmacology Antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive, inhibitive on platelet congregation and thrombopoiesis, anti-inflammatory, pain-killing, muscle-relaxing, bacteriostatic, antitussive, phlegm-eliminating and locally anaesthetic.
Properties & Actions Bitter, cold, mild-toxic.Clearing heat-toxin, dispelling pathogenic wind for suppressing pains.
Indications & Usage Swelling pain of throat, enteritis and dysentery, rheumatic arthralgia.Oral administration: decocting, 3-9g. For treating sore throat, better swallowed slowly. External application: appropriate amount, powdered for applying or decocted for washing.
Examples 1. Treat chronic tonsillitis: asiatic moonseed rhizome 9g, Chinese globeflower 3g, fresh ural licorice 6g. Decoct in water and swallow.
2. Treat cough with lung heat: asiatic moonseed rhizome, fennel root, great burdock seed, and loquat leaves 9g each. Decoct in water and swallow.
3. Treat dysentery, enteritis: asiatic moonseed rhizome 9g, cynanchum paniculatum 9g. Decoct in water and swallow.

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