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Sauria (2022) Dinosaur Survival Boardgame
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Feb 6, 2022 @ 5:48am
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Sauria (2022) Dinosaur Survival Boardgame

Sauria (2022) - Designed by Maximillian Dennis
Published by Millian Games

Feel free to update the scripting. I made this to make playing this easier for me and friends who love this game. I make TTS mods for free and for personal hobby / fun. All rights to this mod belong to Millian Games &Maximillian Dennis.


Sauria is a game where Players are vying to complete as many of their individual goals as possible to gain Victory Points and then successfully reach safety before time runs out. While this is happening, they must also survive various dangerous dinosaurs that are out to get them.

Players take on the roll of 1 of up to 8 unique characters, ranging from the ruthless Hunter, the friendly Ranger, or the no-good Saboteur. Each character has a specific set of goals that no other Player knows. The Player who gets the most Victory Points by completing goals and escapes the island wins.

Players take turns performing actions, engaging in unique encounters, and interacting with the park’s locations. Meanwhile, dinosaurs reveal themselves, hunt, attack, and defend themselves against the Players and other dinosaurs.

The game takes place over 16 Turns which make up 48 in-game hours. Once the 16th Turn is over, so is the game, and any character who has not reached safety is dead.

To make matters even worse, at the 24-hour mark, the volcano begins to spew lava onto the island, destroying roads, jungle, and buildings, and panicking even the friendliest of dinosaurs.

Get your friends together and hold onto your butts, because on Isla Sauria, if you’re lucky, you might just survive.


Rulebook Link []


BoardgameGeek Link []
thefuzzytango Jul 24, 2022 @ 9:55am 
Hey, this is Maximillian, the game's creator. Mynx-in-Match, you're right about the cubes, the updated rulebook explains it more clearly.
Mynx-In-Match Mar 24, 2022 @ 1:14pm 
Looks like a blast!

Can someone clear up a bit of confusion my friends and I are having?
The rules don't say what to do after drawing noise cubes. We assume the black cubes mean you're not heard by any dinos. When a red is drawn, what are you supposed to do? The rules discuss making noise and how to calculate the number of cubes to draw but they don't give any instruction on what to do afterwards.