Light Purple Malus Prunifolia with Green Leaves

Light Purple Malus Prunifolia with Green Leaves

Prompt d'image d'art IA

Ratio d'aspect:
832 X 1216
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Analyse du prompt d'art IA

  • Général

    The generated image generally meets the requirements of the prompt, but there is room for improvement in terms of realism and innovation.

  • Réalisme

    The image appears somewhat artificial and lacks the natural texture and lighting found in real-life photos. The shadows, in particular, could be more nuanced and believable.

  • Diversité

    The generated image shows a good level of diversity in terms of color and style, and could be used as a base for further customization.

  • Innovation

    The generated image does not show a high level of innovation, as it is a relatively straightforward depiction of the given prompt. However, it does demonstrate some creativity in the use of color and depth of field.

  • Consistance logique

    The image accurately depicts a bunch of light purple Malus prunifolia with green leaves, and the background is appropriately blurred. However, the lighting and shadow could be more realistic.