Northern Pintail

Anas acuta (Linnaeus, 1758)

adult breeding
male, summer


In Sibria, breeds everywhere up to south of Arctic tundras; numerous in the north, can be rare in the south.


Common, locally abundant breeding migrant. Inhabits steppe and semi-desert lakes and rivers with reed-beds, and very rarely forested lakes in Altai up to 1500 m. Appears very early, with first thawed patches surrounded by snow when lakes are still covered with ice. In southern areas arrives end March – early April; in more northerly areas in April. Migrates in separate flocks, mostly in tens and hundreds, males are dominant. Nest is built in a dry place near water, but in some cases up to 6 km away, under canopy of grass or bush in shallow hollow lined with grass stems and down. Can nest in grass shorter than other ducks, for example in cattle-grazing meadows. Clutches of 6-10 eggs from end April, but mostly May or early June. Female incubates 22-23 days. Juveniles hatch end May – mid-July, and begin to fly from mid-June, late broods observed first decade of August. Repeat broods after loss of clutch are common (mid – end June). When females begin to incubate males gather in flocks and migrate for moult in steppe and semi-desert lakes mainly end May – June. Females moult whilst with brood. Autumn migration not so obvious as in spring, and begins end August, mostly in September. Main movements in late September to October, and some birds linger to November.


В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Сибири". Москва-Екатеринбург, Изд-во "Кабинетный ученый", 2014