Black-headed Gull

Larus ridibundus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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Numerous breeding migrant. Inhabits the coasts of fresh and salty lakes, ponds and rivers with plenty emergent vegetation; breeds also on islands of lakes and on banks of fast flowing rivers. In spring appears in March – April (but on Markakol lake in the end of May only), in groups of 5-10, or in flocks up to 40-50 birds. Breeds in colonies of several dozen or several hundred pairs with other gulls and terns often. Nest is built from the dry vegetation, and located on the dry heaps of reed, among the reed-beds or on shore. Clutches of 1-4 (usually 2-3) eggs is produced from the end of April until the second decade of July (probably repeated laying). Both parents incubate for 22-24 days and care for juveniles, which fledge at age 40 days old, in mid-June – end of July. Repeated breeding after loss of first clutch is very possible. Autumn migration begins in August, from northern areas Gulls departed in the end September – mid-October, from the southern ones in end of October – late November.
