Bryum capillare

English name: Capillary thread-moss

A distinctive acrocarpous moss that grows in tufts or patches. As they are widest around the halfway point, the leaves appear heart-shaped. There is a well-defined border of narrow cells along the edge of each leaf, giving the heart-shape a silver lining. Leaves have a pale green hairpoint. When dry, the shoots tend to roll up like a corkscrew. The species has large, cylindrical capsules that droop and are held on a reddish seta.

Capsules mature in spring and summer.

In Scotland, Bryum capillare is widespread in woodland rides, soil banks, grassland and waste ground and manmade substrata like mortar an concrete. BBS distribution map

Bryum capillare with capsules in a park near Aberlour (VC94)
Dry Bryum capillare on coastal rock near Gourdon (VC91)