Black-bellied Plover- Pluvialis squatarola

by Bryce W. Robinson

Black-bellied Plover- Pluvialis squatarola. Prismacolor on bristol board

Black-bellied Plover- Pluvialis squatarola. Prismacolor on bristol board

Often, I am impressed by the aesthetic of particular birds. The Black-bellied Plover has always been a visual delight for me, resulting in my ambition to illustrate the bird appropriately. In what little free time I have at the moment, I put together an illustration of a bird I see often, but always celebrate the sight.

Illustrating this bird provided me an opportunity at a study of the depth and texture of layered feathers. Paying attention to such detail really impresses me with the intricacy of each type of bird, and the adapted structure that directly relates to their life history. If you are unsure what I mean, perhaps it is something I need to elaborate upon with further illustrations and detailed description. Perhaps indeed… New project.