Marita’s Hericium Fried Rice

By Marita King

1 Hericium of your choice ( H. coralloides, H. erinaceus or H. americanum)
1-2 Tbsp butter
1/2 small onion chopped
1-2 cups of cooked brown rice
pepper and salt to taste

Find Hericium species of choice (H. coralloides shown below)
Hericium coralloides - Marita 1

Rinse and chop the mushroom. Hericium coralloides - Marita 2

Saute chopped onion in butter, add mushroom and cook until lightly browned.  Hericium coralloides - Marita 3 Hericium coralloides - Marita 4

Season mixture, add boiled or steamed rice, fry a couple of minutes and serve!
Hericium coralloides - Marita 5