
Is your Zodiac sign a lie?: Vedic vs. Western astrology

What if I told you that everything you thought you knew about your zodiac sign was not true?

While Western astrology is loosely familiar to most and daily horoscopes a daily habit of many, other schools of belief and planetary interpretations exist beyond the zodiac as we know it.

If you’ve never fully identified with your sun sign or felt seen by your birth chart interpretation, your mother might be lying or you might want to look to Vedic astrology for resonance. 

Western vs. Vedic Astrology

An essential difference between Western and Vedic, also known as Indian astrology, is the use of different zodiac systems. Western astrologers use the tropical zodiac, based upon the seasons and the orientation between the sun and Earth. In the tropical zodiac, the Spring Equinox always coincides with the onset of Aries season. 

By contrast, Vedic astrology uses the sidereal zodiac which is based upon the physical positions of the constellations in the sky. As the Earth spins on its axis it experiences a bit of a tilt a whirl known as precession. As such the stars and constellations do not remain in a fixed state, in fact each star moves roughly one degree every 70 odd years.

In Vedic astrology, sun signs vary in name and dates from those of Western astrology. Shutterstock

While Western astrology does not take this shift into account, the sidereal system recognizes the discrepancy and corrects it within the birth chart using a system called ayanamas. For this reason, your sun sign in Vedic astrology may very well be different than what you have previously accepted. The universe exists to surprise.

Bro, what’s your sign?

In both Vedic and Western astrology there are twelve distinct zodiac signs, each possessing a general set of charms and detriments. While the attributes of the Western vs. Vedic zodiac signs are similar, the respective dates vary. They are as follows:

Aries: Mesha (April 13–May 14) 

Taurus: Vrishaba (May 15–June 14) 

Gemini: Mithuna (June 15–July 14) 

Cancer: Karkata (July 15–August 14) 

Leo: Simha (August 15–September 15) 

Virgo: Kanya (September 16–October 15) 

Libra: Tula (October 16–November 14) 

Scorpio: Vrishchika (November 15–December 14) 

Sagittarius: Dhanus (December 15–January 13) 

Capricorn: Makara (January 14–February 11) 

Aquarius: Kumbha (February 12–March 12) 

Pisces: Meena (March 13–April 12) 

Mind blown? Identity crisis triggered? Questioning the fabric of existence? Keep on my babies, there’s more.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars

History of Vedic Astrology

As the name implies, the roots of Vedic astrology reach back to the Four Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures written in early Sanskrit around 1200 BCE that contain ritual guidance, mantras, governing philosophies and divine revelations. Vedas translates as knowledge and the practice of Vedic astrology was born from seers and sages that sought to translate divinity into daily life. In this sense, Vedic astrology is more innately tied to spirituality than its Western counterpart.

In Vedic astrology, the birth chart is square or diamond shaped. Getty Images


In India, the practice of Vedic astrology is known as Jyotish, roughly translated as “the science of light” and predicated on the belief that the light of knowledge burns away darkness, offering a path to self-actualization. In kind, Vedic astrologers are known as Jyotishis.

An important distinction between Western and Vedic astrology is the laters relationship to the Hindu principles of karma and reincarnation. Vedic astrology views the birth chart as an aggregate of our past life experiences. In her book, “Vedic Astrology: A Guide to the Fundamentals of Jyotish,” Ronnie Gale Dreyer explains,“By applying concepts of karma and reincarnation, the horoscope illustrates how to fulfill our mission in this life based on the deeds performed in previous lives…Astrologers expound this by simply regarding the stars as an extension of ourselves.”

Vedic astrology is rooted in Hindu spiritual beliefs. Getty Images

While Western astrology focuses on the psychology of the individual and their experience of life events, Vedic or Hindu astrology is more predictive, expressly foretelling things like fame, fortune, familial dynamics and periods of hardship and ease.

Birth Charts

In Western astrology the birth chart is a wheel shape evenly divided into twelve segments. In Vedic astrology, the birth chart takes the shape of a square or diamond configuration and several divisional charts are employed to address different areas of life, marriage, career, past life reckoning ect. To calculate your basic Vedic chart use the following link. While both Western and Vedic astrology takes transits into account, Vedic astrology recognizes Dashas, periods of life ruled by specific planets.


Unlike Western astrology, Vedic astrology does not consider the influence of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto on the individual or the individual’s birth chart. Vedic astrology limits the scope of influence to personal planets that are visible to the naked eye without the advent of a telescope, the belief being that the distance of these heavenly bodies from earth lessens their direct effect of life on it. While Western astrology assigns Pluto to the rulership of Scorpio, Uranus to Aquarius and Neptune to Pisces, Vedic astrology maintains the ancient planetary rulers for each, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, respectively.

Vedic astrology does not consider the influence of outer planets like Neptune. Getty Images


Both Western and Vedic astrology divide the birth chart into houses and glean meaning based on what planets fall within and which signs rule those respective houses. Western astrology runs the gamut on house systems, with Placidus being the most widely used. Generally speaking, Vedic astrologers use the whole-sign system in which the first house belongs entirely to the sign of the ascendant. For example, if you are a Gemini rising/ascendant the first house would encompass the sign of Gemini from 0° to 30° followed by the second house in Cancer, Third in Leo and so on and so forth.

Is Vedic astrology superior?

Are the Stones better than the Beatles? Indica superior to sativa? Truth or dare? These are questions to be pondered and preferences to be made. Vedic astrology is decidedly more complex than Western astrology, arguably making it more accurate and more difficult to interpret on the novice level. Further, because the universe, as we beating hearts among it, are constantly in flux, some maintain that Vedic astrology, which allows for this flux. provides more acute insights and practical knowledge. I say the more you know the better you are and as an indecisive Gemini rising I strongly recommend a personal reading from an expert or experts versed in both schools of astrological thought. Shine on.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.