A collection of flora from the pacific wonderland.

Prince’s Pine aka Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata)

Olympic NP Forest. 8/2010.

Indians and early settlers used this plant to relieve rheumatism and skin irritations.  Its rare to encounter these in bloom, but very common to see  the foliage, often with  the round, brown seed cases that remain after the petals have fallen.  A smaller and slightly different relative, menziesii, is also found in northwestern woods.

South Prairie Rd.  (FSR 66), Columbia Gorge, WA, 7/2014.

South Prairie Rd. (FSR 66), Columbia Gorge, WA, 7/2014.

Union Creek Trail,  William O. Douglas Wilderness, WA, 7/2014.

Union Creek Trail, William O. Douglas Wilderness, WA, 7/2014.

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