Species Page: European Skipper (Thymelicus lineola)

European Skipper

Thymelicus lineola (Ochsenheimer, 1808)

Family: Hesperiidae

Status: Rare stray

NENHP Ranking: Not listed

Range: Northeastern United States north to southern Quebec and Ontario, south to Virginia and west to Wisconsin and western Iowa. There is one record in Nebraska from Polk county.

Larval Hostplant(s): Grasses are recorded, especially timothy grass (Phleum pratense).

Broods/Flight Times: One mid-summer flight primarily in July.

Overwintering: As eggs.

Habitat: Grasslands, especially those with timothy grass.

Avg. Wingspan: 1 – 1 1/8 inches

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Notes: This species was introduced from Europe and has become established in the eastern United States. The only record for Nebraska comes from a specimen in the Smithsonian collection from near Silver Creek in Merrick or Polk County in 1936. It is thought this skipper spread with shipments of hay which contained eggs. This might explain it’s occurrence and disappearance in NE where it has not gained a foothold.