Species Page: California Ringlet (Coenonympha california)

California Ringlet

Coenonympha california (Westwood, 1851) / Coenonympha tullia (Müller, 1764)]

Family: Nymphalidae (formerly Satyridae)

Status: Uncommon local resident

NENHP Ranking: S2 Tier 2

Range: Various subspecies of california occupy the western half of North America, extending east across southern Canada and the northern United States to the Atlantic seaboard.

Larval Hostplant(s): Larvae feed on various grasses including Poa, Stipa, Festuca and Agrostis species.

Broods/Flight Times: There is a single flight, which in Nebraska has been recorded from 26 May – 25 June. A partial second brood flying in August has been reported in South Dakota (Marrone, 2002), but has not yet been found for Nebraska.

Overwintering: As young larvae.

Habitat: Lone individuals are found on grassy hillsides, but when found in any numbers it is usually in association with lush areas along stream sides and canyon bottoms.

Avg. Wingspan: 1 1/3 – 1 1/2 inches

Found at: Gilbert-Baker & Big Alkali Lake SWMAs, Wildcat Hills SRA, Niobrara Valley Preserve, Ash Hollow SHP

Similar Species: None

Notes: This is an extremely variable group that is in constant taxonomic revision. The species california was formerly tullia. The Pine Ridge population is thought to be closest to Rocky Mountain subspecies ochracea. Individuals from farther east in the state vary somewhat in appearance from the Pine Ridge population. This diverse group challenges our rigid taxonomic thinking.