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Florine Pépin

    Florine Pépin

    Morphological, phytocoenotic and functional approach of bryoliths in the lower valley of the Isère River (from Saint-Marcellin to Romans), France. The flora and vegetation of bryoliths located in the main river channel were studied in the... more
    Morphological, phytocoenotic and functional approach of bryoliths in the lower valley of the Isère River (from Saint-Marcellin to Romans), France. The flora and vegetation of bryoliths located in the main river channel were studied in the vicinity of four dams (Beauvoir, Saint-Hilaire, Pizançon and La Vanelle) in the Isère lower valley. Palustriella commutata is the more frequent species. Other species are locally frequent, as e. g. Eucladium verticillatum, Hymenostylium recurvirostrum, Bryum pseudotriquetrum. From a floristic perspective, bryoliths of the Isère lower valley are typical of temperate Europe. The communities are complex and structured by a small number of bryophyte species that mostly respond to water availability. This type of vegetation is referred to a European priority habitat named «7220 Sources pétrifiantes avec formation de tuf (Cratoneurion)». From a morphological point of view, two main types of bryoliths systems coexist : cascades and dams. The bryoliths of ...
    Bruchia vogesiaca Schwägr. est une mousse présente dans 12 départements en France bien que non revue récemment dans 4 d'entre eux. Une douzaine de nouvelles localités du Massif central et des Vosges sont présentées dans la présente... more
    Bruchia vogesiaca Schwägr. est une mousse présente dans 12 départements en France bien que non revue récemment dans 4 d'entre eux. Une douzaine de nouvelles localités du Massif central et des Vosges sont présentées dans la présente contribution. L'écologie de l'espèce est examinée sous l'angle des biotopes d'accueil. La stratégie du cortège d'espèces liées à Bruchia vogesiaca permet de mieux cerner la dynamique de l'espèce. Des préconisations de mesures de gestion sont énoncées sur ces nouvelles bases.Bruchia vogesiaca Schwägr. is a moss recorded in 12 departments in France from which 4 have not been confirmed recently. A dozen of new localities in Massif central and Vosges are provided in the present account. Habitats of Bruchia vogesiaca are reviewed. Analysing the strategy of Bruchia vogesiaca and the associated species allows a better understanding of the dynamics. Conservation strategies are provided on this revisited basis
    In the Chambons forest (Ardèche, France), the ecological determinism of bryophyte communities and their links with structural and functional characteristics were assessed. Substrate, light, and moisture are the main discriminating factors... more
    In the Chambons forest (Ardèche, France), the ecological determinism of bryophyte communities and their links with structural and functional characteristics were assessed. Substrate, light, and moisture are the main discriminating factors for the different recognized communities. Among the 10 groups identified, saxico-humicolous are the most diverse, followed closely by the corticolous. These microhabitats are all strictly dependent upon the various phases of the sylvigenesis cycle. Most of humicolous communities are determined by the successive phases of the organic matter cycle. The humicolous community richness relies heavily upon the diversity of potential repository (soil, rocks and base of trunks). Forest management leads to disturbances which severely restrict the spreading out of these bryophytic assemblages. To preserve the great bryological interest of this site and ecosystem, urgent conservation and management measures are requiredDans la forêt domaniale des Chambons (Ard...
    L'examen de la litterature scientifique consacree a Orthotrichum rogeri Brid., combine a des donnees recentes recueillies en France sur le terrain, permettent a l'auteur de dresser un panorama de la chorologie, de l'ecologie... more
    L'examen de la litterature scientifique consacree a Orthotrichum rogeri Brid., combine a des donnees recentes recueillies en France sur le terrain, permettent a l'auteur de dresser un panorama de la chorologie, de l'ecologie et de la sociologie de l'espece. Orthotrichum rogeri apparait confine au continent europeen. En France, cette espece est restreinte aux principaux secteurs montagneux. Ce taxon corticole croit sur de nombreux phorophytes et s'integre dans diverses communautes vasculaires, depuis les trouees arbustives a Sambucus racemosa et Salix caprea des forets mâtures de l'etage montagnard jusqu'aux groupements anthropogeniques a Salix caprea. D'un point de vue bryosociologique, Orthotrichum rogeri releve de l'Ulotion crispae Barkman 1958 et vraisemblablement de plusieurs associations distinctes, La gestion des populations de l'espece est discutee.
    ABSTRACT The rare liverwort Riccia crustata Trab. has been discovered in Burgundy (France), 350 km north of the nearest known locality. An updated map of the distribution in Europe, North Africa and Asia is provided. The plant communities... more
    ABSTRACT The rare liverwort Riccia crustata Trab. has been discovered in Burgundy (France), 350 km north of the nearest known locality. An updated map of the distribution in Europe, North Africa and Asia is provided. The plant communities are described and associated bryophytes are listed. Issues relating to conservation are discussed.
    ABSTRACT For obscure reasons, sporophytes of the dioicous Hamatocaulis vernicosus are currently unknown in France. With the aim of understanding this failure of sporophyte production we investigated (1) sexual phenology, (2) sex ratio... more
    ABSTRACT For obscure reasons, sporophytes of the dioicous Hamatocaulis vernicosus are currently unknown in France. With the aim of understanding this failure of sporophyte production we investigated (1) sexual phenology, (2) sex ratio pattern at different spatial scales, (3) limitation of sporophyte formation by the availability of only one sex, (4) limitation of sporophyte formation caused by the distance between male and female, (5) location of sporophytes and (6) the consevation implications of this failure of sporophyte production. Principal results show that phenology cannot explain the failure of sporophyte production. At the regional scale, sporophyte formation is prevented by the fact that several mountain ranges have single-sex populations. The production of spore capsules relies on a strict combination of factors at the local scale: occurrence of sexually expressed mixed-sex colonies, a short distance between male and female individuals and favourable environmental factors (light grazing, high water table). In the Massif Central of France spore production is unlikely because of current unfavourable conditions. Fertility patterns appeared useful in a conservation context.
    Buxbaumia viridis is a well-known species of decaying deadwood, which is protected in Europe. All previous studies dealing with the ecology of B. viridis rely on the sporophyte generation because the gametophyte generation is allegedly... more
    Buxbaumia viridis is a well-known species of decaying deadwood, which is protected in Europe. All previous studies dealing with the ecology of B. viridis rely on the sporophyte generation because the gametophyte generation is allegedly undetectable. Recent advances have shown that the protonemal stage, including gemmae, is recognizable in the field, thereby considerably modifying our perception of the species’ range and habitat. In France, we demonstrate the existence of independent protonemal populations, with the implication that the range of B. viridis is widely underestimated. Sporophytes and sterile protonema do not share the same ecological requirements. The sporophyte stage was found in montane zones, almost exclusively in coniferous forests, and on well-decayed wood. The sterile protonemal stage extends to lower elevations, in broad-leaved forests, and on wood in a less advanced state of decay. Our results suggest that the humidity could be one of the most relevant explanato...
    The rare liverwort Riccia crustata Trab. has been discovered in Burgundy (France), 350 km north of the nearest known locality. An updated map of the distribution in Europe, North Africa and Asia is provided. The plant communities are... more
    The rare liverwort Riccia crustata Trab. has been discovered in Burgundy (France),
    350 km north of the nearest known locality. An updated map of the distribution in Europe, North
    Africa and Asia is provided. The plant communities are described and associated bryophytes are
    listed. Issues relating to conservation are discussed.
    Research Interests:
    La bryofl ore de 5 complexes tourbeux situés sur le plateau de Chambaran (Isère) a été inventoriée. 124 bryophytes, parmi lesquelles 94 mousses et 30 hépatiques, ont été observées. Un grand nombre d’espèces à forte valeur patrimoniale,... more
    La bryofl ore de 5 complexes tourbeux situés sur le plateau de Chambaran
    (Isère) a été inventoriée. 124 bryophytes, parmi lesquelles 94 mousses et 30 hépatiques,
    ont été observées. Un grand nombre d’espèces à forte valeur patrimoniale, dont Dicranum
    viride (Sull. & Lesq.) Lindb. et Pallavicinia lyellii (Hook.) Carruth., sont présentes. Les
    groupements de bryophytes turfi gènes sont succinctement présentés. Une cartographie
    exhaustive des sphaignes des 5 ensembles tourbeux a été réalisée et permet de mieux
    cerner le comportement des espèces et le fonctionnement des tourbières. Les secteurs
    tourbeux les plus caractéristiques sont essentiellement soligènes, oligotrophes, tendant
    rarement vers une minéro-ombrotrophie. L’ombrotrophie est extrêmement localisée
    sur le plateau de Chambaran. Sphagnum palustre et S. fl exuosum sont les sphaignes
    les plus abondantes et les plus fréquentes localement. Sphagnum girgensohnii
    est strictement inféodé à des habitats relativement sombres à la différence de S.
    capillifolium et S. magellanicum qui ne se développent ici que dans des habitats ouverts,
    ces deux dernières espèces s’étant révélées rares. Sur le plateau de Chambaran, les
    sphaignes minérotrophiles Sphagnum contortum et S. teres sont cantonnées à une
    petite partie d’un site. Le groupement sphagnologique le plus important du plateau
    est celui constitué par les banquettes étendues de Sphagnum palustre et S. fl exuosum,
    qui forment soit des linéaires assez denses, soit des ensembles compacts, notamment
    dans les boulaies tourbeuses. La grande majorité des linéaires de sphaignes, étendus et
    peu denses observés le long des ruisselets des sites, dans des habitats boisés, acides et
    oligotrophes, ne sont que peu turfi gènes et ne constituent pas de véritables tourbières.
    Une gestion plurimodale, combinant ouverture ou réouverture éventuelle et abandon
    permanent, semble de nature à permettre la conservation du capital bryophytique.
    Research Interests:
    For obscure reasons, sporophytes of the dioicous Hamatocaulis vernicosus are currently unknown in France. With the aim of understanding this failure of sporophyte production we investigated (1) sexual phenology, (2) sex ratio pattern at... more
    For obscure reasons, sporophytes of the dioicous Hamatocaulis vernicosus are currently unknown in
    France. With the aim of understanding this failure of sporophyte production we investigated (1) sexual
    phenology, (2) sex ratio pattern at different spatial scales, (3) limitation of sporophyte formation by the
    availability of only one sex, (4) limitation of sporophyte formation caused by the distance between male and
    female, (5) location of sporophytes and (6) the consevation implications of this failure of sporophyte
    production. Principal results show that phenology cannot explain the failure of sporophyte production. At
    the regional scale, sporophyte formation is prevented by the fact that several mountain ranges have singlesex
    populations. The production of spore capsules relies on a strict combination of factors at the local
    scale: occurrence of sexually expressed mixed-sex colonies, a short distance between male and female
    individuals and favourable environmental factors (light grazing, high water table). In the Massif Central of
    France spore production is unlikely because of current unfavourable conditions. Fertility patterns appeared
    useful in a conservation context.
    Research Interests: