Parasite Unidentified nematomorpha
Taxonomy Nematomorpha, Gordiida
Hosts Red-spotted masu salmon (Oncorhyncus masou)
Infection site Digestive tract
Clinical signs The nematomorpha was observed inside the digestive tract. The body is yellowish and folded inside the stomach (Figs. 1 and 2).
Parasitology The parasite is ca. 1 mm in diameter and ca. 30 cm in length (Fig. 3). It moves slowly as if the wire is bent, e. g. it elongates or contracts poorly.
Pathology No report.
Health hazard Since this parasite is not infectious to human, it is harmless in food hygiene.
Diagnosis The parasite possesses an external cuticle, a body cavity (pseudocoel), but no segments.
Other information The parasite was found in the cultured red-spotted masu salmon (0-yeared fish).

(Photos by K. Momoyama)

Fig. 1. A nematomorpha getting out of the mouth of red-spotted masu salmon.

Fig. 3. The nematomorpha from the fish

Fig. 2. A nematomorpha folding in the stomach.