BEOINSEKT Fiory for insect-eating birds, is composed of products included for their high protein content (about 18%) and tasty flavor to

ensure that your birds won’t miss their freedom.

The already excellent and acclaimed formulation of the Universal Fiory feed has been enriched in this product with the addition of insects and shellfish, that insectivores are particularly fond of.

Feeding Beoinsekt Fiory every day will keep your little friends happy and in good health and condition.


COMPOSITION: by-products of vegetal origin, bakery products, oils and fats, oilseeds-oleaginous fruits and derivatives, cereals and cereal products, terrestrial animal products and derivatives products, minerals, insects 4,1%, juniper berries, other seeds-fruits and derived products, fruit, honey, yeast, shellfish, milk and milk products, natural flavorings, antioxidants, flavoured coloured and conserved with EC additives.

CodPeso / VolumePezziEAN code
0190Kg. 110801597500108 4
0195Kg. 54801597500194 7
0199Kg. 251801597500195 4