Ash, European
Fraxinus excelsior
Oleaceae - Olive


Leaves: Opposite; once pinnately compound; 10" to 12" long; 7 to 11 leaflets; deciduous; leaflets ovate to lanceolate, 2" to 4" long and half as wide, glabrous on both sides but with hair beneath along midrib, dark green on top and light below, margins serrate; rachis pubescent or glabrous; yellow to green fall color.

Twigs/buds: Twigs fairly stout; gray to gray-brown; glabrous when mature; round in cross-section. Buds black, pubescent, covered with 4-6 scales.

Flowers/fruit: Flowers dioecious; small and inconspicuous, arranged in clusters; appear in spring. Fruit a samara; 1" to 1-1/2" long; 1/4" wide; paddle-shaped in dense clusters.

Bark: Tightly ridged, somewhat similar to green ash.

Wood: No information available; presumably similar to green ash.

General: Native throughout much of Europe and in Asia Minor. Does well on high pH soils. Intermediate shade tolerance. May be insect and/or disease prone, especially when stressed. Rarely should be planted, though limited use in specific situations may be justified.

Landscape Use: This medium to large tree is occasionally planted in Utah, but does not do as well as green or white ash. It seems especially susceptible to borers, and is not as cold hardy as many of its relatives. Zones 5-8.

In the last few years an exotic pest, emerald ash borer (EAB), has been making its way across the U.S. So far it has decimated populations of ornamental and native ashes and recently was found to attack fringetree (Chionanthus spp.) as well. So far EAB has not made it to Utah, but it seems likely that it will. So, plant ashes and fringetrees with caution since they may not be around for long. Some have hope that trunk injection of insecticides may work to control the pest.

Cultivars: 'Aurea', 'Aurea Pendula', 'Globosa', 'Gold Cloud', Golden Desertâ„¢, 'Hessei', 'Jaspidea', 'Kimberly', 'Pendula', 'Rancho'.



Family Oleaceae - Olive
Cultivar Availability Yes
Hardiness Zone 5-8
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native No


Growth Rate Medium
Mature Height High
Longevity Medium
Is Good Under Power Lines No
Crown Shapes Rounded


Bark No
Fall Color No
Flowers No
Foliage No
Fruit No


Shade Medium
Salt High
Drought Medium
Poor Drainage Medium
Alkalinity High
Transplanting Medium