Lesser Celandine (ficaria verna)

Lesser celandine also sometimes called pilewort is a small perennial wildflower commonly found in woodland and wooded areas, this can be along woodland paths, in garden and some meadows. Lesser celandine has a small yellow flower resembling a buttercup of which it is in the same family and can often be confused with, they can be seen in flower between January and may, they have dark green glossy heart shaped leaves, can also be confused with winter aconite.

It was once thought that you could use lesser celandine to predict the weather as they close their petals before raindrops. The leaves are high in vitamin C and have been used to prevent scurvy. Lesser celandine has been used for thousands of years in the treatment of haemorrhoids and ulcers. Petals were used for cleaning teeth

They are mentioned in C. S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. When Aslan returned and the woodland turns from winter to spring, the ground was covered in all directions with yellow celandine flowers.

As one of the first flowers to appear after winter, they provide an important nectar source for queen bumblebees and other pollinators emerging from hibernation, and other early insects.

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