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Zatlers: the new government is being formed for doing nothing

This is a government that is being formed specifically for procrastination. There are clear signs of attempts to remove responsible ministers from their posts, says one of the founders of Reform Party and ex-president of Latvia Valdis Zatlers.

‘This government is being formed to achieve multiple goals. Union of Greens and Farmers, for example, wants to take over Environmental Protection and Regional Development Ministry,’ – he mentioned in his interview to Rīta Panorāma programme of LTV.

According to him, control over this ministry is necessary for UGF in order to gain access to EU funds. He admitted that PM candidate Laimdota Straujuma is against giving EPRDM to UGF.

‘I still cannot understand why Valdis Dombrovskis decided to resign. Because of some claims that something somewhere is unstable?’ – as Zatlers described the arguments he heard in interviews with President Andris Berziņš.

At the same time, he mentioned that RP remains true to its previously set red lines. Including the one regarding the decline to cooperate with Union of Greens and Farmers. Zatlers explained that work in the forming government would mean a continued fight against the current system. ‘If the President and Unity have decided [to include UGF in the new government], we will be the internal opposition,’ – said Zatlers.

It was previously reported that the treaty Dombrovskis’ government had with the European Commission regarding the division of funds was already prepared. The only thing that was left to do was to sign it. The largest amounts meant for the support of poor regions would fund stable development of the transport system (EUR 1.2 billion), environmental protection, reduction of CO2 emission and increase of resource management would receive EUR 1 billion, education and science – EUR 1 billion, business environment and employment increase – EUR 1 billion. The new partner in government formation talks – Union of Greens and Farmers – has informed the PM candidate that the current plan for the division of EUR funds is not satisfying.

Both ministries confirm that it was originally planned to divide EU funds in accordance with state interests that are fully described in the National Development Plan – money is to be provided to industries with largest returns.

Ministries are worried that the political market in the division of funds may cost Latvia too much, because it will be necessary to start negotiations with Brussels all over again.

It is is curious because both these ministers, who do not wish to comply with Lembergs, are among those who are not welcome in the new government.




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