Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Aronia melanocarpa elata

Common Name: Black Chokeberry


Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa elata) A medium spreading, medium height shrub that is adaptable to many different sites. The spring flowers and fall color are two of its better features. Can be a moderately aggressive spreader.

Plant TypeShrubs Deciduous, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightsun, mostly sunny, part sun, part shade
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Siteaverage, wet, boggy
Flowers5 peals, white, borne in a corymb, early spring after the leaves emerge.
Fruitpome, dark purple, almost black, edible but very astringent tasting, birds leave this fruit for last
Leavesdark glossy green leaves during the summer, wine red to purple fall foliage, fall foliage could rival the Burning Bush
Maintenancecontrol the agressive spreading
Propagationseeds, cuttings
Native Sitenortheastern United States and adjacent Canada
Misc FactsI have drank tea made from from Black Chokeberry fruit. It has a strong, sour puckering taste. High in anthocyanins and flavonoids, five to ten times higher than cranberry juice. Tea is a red color.
Author's NotesEach day I drive past a pair of Chokeberry and they are around 5 by 5. Plants I have used in landscapes have suckered and formed a thicket.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr)
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