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The butterfly was luckily caught in mid-flight with wings open. Earlier it was taking salts from the fresh cement of a road repair, as the photo on the right shows. Rifugio Lancia, Rovereto, Trentino. 20.06.17.
1,100m asl. La Guardia, Trentino. 17.06.15.
1,100m asl. La Guardia, Trentino. 17.06.15.
On the right, the road at 1,100m asl where the 5 photos above were taken. La Guardia, Trentino. 17.06.15.
A single male along a mountain road near La Guardia, Trentino at about 1000m asl. 11.06.2015
La Guardia - Serrada, Trentino.1,400m asl.  20.06.2012
Finally, after a 3-year search - an encounter with a single female on a forest track!
La Guardia, Serrada, Trentino. 1,400m asl. 20.06.2012.
La Guardia, Serrada, Trentino. 1,400m asl. 20.06.2012.
Cimana di Pomarolo, Trentino. 1,300m asl. 19.06.2009.
The picture on the left just above was my first photo of a Poplar Admiral as it flew up out of the grass about 6 metres in front of me. (it can just be seen bottom centre of the picture. It immediately soared up and away never to be seen again! At the time I thought it was probably a female Purple Emperor, but only when I enlarged the photo (the one on the right) did I recognise the butterfly as Limenitis populi. (I will add that, writing 11 years later, I haven't seen another Poplar Admiral on the same mountain.)

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