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Flora Emslandia - Plants in Emsland (northwestern Germany)

Lesser burdock

Arctium minus, lesser burdock Arctium minus, lesser burdock, flowers Arctium minus, lesser burdock, leaf Arctium minus, lesser burdock, underside of the leaf Arctium minus, lesser burdock, cross section of the petiole

Habit, flowers, upper leaf surface, underside of the leaf and
cross section of the petiole


Arctium minus Hill (Bernh.):
Blooming period: July–Oktober
Height: 50–300 cm
Flowers: in heads, Ø of the heads 15–28 mm, stamens: 5,
styles: 1
Ray florets: missing
Disc florets: pink to purple
Calyx: transformed into a pappus
Stem leaves: alternate, stalked, egg-shaped, entire to coarsely toothed, undulated
Basal leaves: up to 70 cm long, petiole hollow, heart-shaped, entire to coarsely toothed, undulated

Plant biennial, herbaceous, with a deep, strong, up to 5 cm thick taproot.

Stem erect, grooved, hollow, rough, sometimes arachnoid, branched. Branches spreading.

Stem leaves alternate, losing upwards in size, stalked, lamina ovate, base truncate or cordate, entire, coarsely toothed or weakly lobed, undulate, grey tomentose underneath.

Basal leaves large, long-petiolate, petiole hollow, leaf blade lobed, cordate, entire, coarsely toothed or slightly undulated, grey tomentose underneath.

Flower heads terminally or laterally in long racemose, paniculate or spiciform inflorescences. Sessile or stalked, up to 40 mm long. Receptacle flat and densely bristly. Bristles filiform, white, 5–9 mm long.

The linear to linear-lanceolate phyllaries are arranged imbricated in numerous rows. They have an inwardly directed, short hook at the top, the margins are toothed very finely. The tips of the outer phyllaries are spreading, those of the inner ones are upright and reddish. Involucre spherical, sometimes arachnoid, at the fruiting time largely closed.

The flower head consists solely of 40 tubular florets which are pink to purple or rarely white, 16–21 mm long, hermaphrodite and 5-dentate. They possess purple stamens and white pistils, florets at the base without chaffy scales.

After self or insect pollination are formed 5–8 mm long, rough, dark brown, sometimes mottled, oblong, triangular, slightly ribbed nut fruits (achenes), at the top with a few circles of about 2 mm long, barbellate, white to yellowish bristles.

Arctium minus may form bastards with A. tomentosum, A. lappa and A. nemorosum.

Floral formula:
* K=pappus [C(5) A5(connate)] G(2) inferior

On path and roadsides, ruderal areas, fallow land, forest edges. Prefers bright, slightly warm, slightly damp, decalcified and very nitrogen-rich locations.

Originally Eurasia, introduced in Australia and the Americas.